Safety Compliance Information


In Australia, any electric fence energiser that can plug into the 240V mains while operating must be approved and have an Electrical Regulation Authorities Council (ERAC) approval number or registration.

We have seen a number of imported products for sale online in Australia that do not comply with safety standards and are potentially unsafe. There is a real possibility that 240Vac can end up on the fence live wire, which can result in the injury or death of animals or people.

You can visit the ERAC website to search for registration certificates from suppliers, brands, and for specific models.

Electric fence energisers are considered level 3 appliances by the Queensland Government (see here), and must therefore hold a level 3 equipment registration.

Importers or manufacturers of electric fence energisers must be Registered Suppliers.

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How to Tell if a Product is Compliant

Compliance rules for Energisers sold prior to January 2014: A mains powered energiser was a prescribed item, it MUST have an approval number printed on the unit itself (not just a statement that it complies with certain standards). This approval number must be under the Australian and New Zealand compliance standards.

The photo below shows the label on a JVA ene with the approval number circled.

New Rules commenced Jan 2014:
The appliance must show the RCM mark and the equipment must be registered on ACMA/ERAC’s National Equipment Registration System

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